Mar 31, 2010

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

We saw so much, and the museum is soo HUGE that after 6 hours of walking around I reached the Japanese Art part, I couldnt take anything anymore..
First of all, I fell in love again with Egyptian sculpting.
This is a whole Egyptian temple in the museum..
where I finally saw those graffitis of the soldiers of Napoleon, who wrote their names on the ancient Egyptian buildings. I read about them in my history books back then..

but my new discovery was the art of Oceania. These masks are mind blowing.

A nice presentation of Paradise
My favorite picture from the whole museum, (and OF COURSE I forgot, who the artist is..)
although all the famous guys were hanging there..
me and Anish Kapoor
and this is the part where I gave it up
well.. tomorrow its MoMA time! So I go to bed now..

Mar 30, 2010

little fairies of the F line

my last day at Karlssonwilker Inc.

Good bye, Village Yogurt...

bye Mrs Kim!
bye Mr. Kim, I am going to miss your smile and the cookies "for the way" :(((
bye No. 4 with hot sauce...
Good bye Patchin Station Post Office!

bye Vampire Lady (she was there every time I went there -which means every day - she was cool and about 70)...
good bye Ruben!!
... and good bye Nikki J, Jan, Karlsson, Ella, Paul, Peter and Frank, I am going to miss you guys!

Mar 29, 2010

Manhattan blossoming

Great. Now that we are about to leave, everything starts to turn green.

my goodbye dinner with the studio -Hjalti, +Frank

at Grand Szechuan.
Everybody was very tired so it wasnt a big party. But the food was very nice again.

Mar 28, 2010

our last weekend in NYC

started in an indian restaurant with one million lightning paprikas.
then we finally went to the Mars bar, which is a must-see I think

and after a drink we continued our way to Williamsburg to a huge, 2 floor underground party in an old factory building... the theme of the party was.. oh god. If uncle Hefner could have seen this...
the theme was "bunny".
and there were about 800 bunnies partying like crazy. Here they enjoy a concert.

this was the giant bunny on the roof. After the number of bunnies reached 1000, we left.
the next day in the morning we said good bye to our friend Jonas, who went back to Stuttgart :(
I really would like to stay and get to know these people better.

after we went to the guggenheim museum

(az ott a szent korona a kepen!!)
then we met Eva and after various adventures we got seated in a very nice Mexican restaurant.
I know it sounds weird but it was the first time in my life that I had Mexican food. It was fantastic, of course.
next morning we had our last Sunday-brunch with Christine and Janos

they love each other and we love them loving each other.
with a full belly we left to see the famous flea market in the highest building in Brooklyn, in a bank.

no, not a church. bank.

and then we finally managed to invite my uncle and my aunt to our last dinner with them - now that I tried Mexican, I really got into it, so we had Mexican again..
Guacamole in pigplate
and cactus salad

and after we walked back home, Christine gave me her fantastic mud-body mask... which smelled like rotten eggs, but it was definitely great fun :D
(actually it still smells like rotten eggs so maybe i go and take another shower now..)